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Here we go! 

Back to the grind.

To the routine.




Last year my kids transitioned from a private christian school I used to work at to our local public school system. At this private school, I had everyone’s phone numbers, and personally knew the staff, teachers, and parents. It was safe, known, the people, the curriculum, the rules.

I *felt* in control.

Shoot - I even lived 3 minutes away from the Headmaster! 

But, when my babies transitioned to our public school…
Our public school, which I had only heard not-so-great-things about.
At their open house that year, I couldn’t hold back my fears and uncontrollably cried while talking to their teachers!
I did this 3 separate times, one for each kid. 

My boss was even worried about me on their first day of school. I couldn’t hide it!  

Um, wow Lindsey, that’s embarrassing.

*** I’d like to note that last year was the best school year yet. All my fears, unfounded. All the rumors about the school, students, and teachers, NOT TRUE. Were there bumps in the road? Absolutely. The school system handled each minor bump professionally, with care, respect, and love for my children. ***


But, why was I so afraid? 

Mama’s & Daddy’s, 

It’s scary physically letting our children go (grow?).
It’s scary saying “God I can’t be there. I HAVE to trust YOU with THEM in this PLACE.” 

It was where “the rubber meets the road” for me. And I’m guessing for you too. 

We say this at our church: “Our children don’t get a junior Holy Spirit.” 

And it’s not a junior Holy Spirit walking with them in these school halls and bus routes either. 

2 Kings 6:17

17 And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

May the Lord open your eyes so you may see all the horses and chariots of fire all around your precious ones. They are not only precious to you but to the Lord God Himself. 

Read Matthew 18 - and that’ll give you some encouragement on how the Lord feels about children, YOUR children. 

Matt 18:10
10 “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.

Mama, Daddy, 

It’s safe to put your babies in the hands of the Lord. That verse brings me so much peace when I start worrying about my kiddos…

“For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.”

Another practical step to do with your children is Prov 22:6 Bring up a child by teaching him the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn away from it.


It’s up to you to teach your children about Jesus, His Word, and the power of prayer. The Holy Spirit gives you AND your children the power to share the gospel with others. Practice sharing the gospel with each other at home. Pray WITH your children. Have them pray over you. How humbling it is to hear your babies pray over you. 


Remind your children every morning who they are in Christ. That’s their identity. That you will walk alongside them through anything and everything. But the Lord is their strength and strong tower and ever present help. He will never leave them nor forsake them. 


We see our babies as, well, babies. But let’s be clear, the enemy doesn’t. They don’t get it easy from the devil because they’re little. But the Holy Spirit in them, before them, and all around is no match for the enemy's schemes. 


I wish we could shelter them forever. But that’s heaven.

Here on earth, we have to equip and prepare them. Don’t sleep on this, it’s too important. 


You are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. Let’s conqueror this school year!

This year I attended open house without my husband, on my lunch break, completely at ease, looking forward to a new year watching my children grow.

A complete 180 degree change from last year. But how? Why was this year so different?

I trusted the Lord last year - and He was faithful. I REMEMBER Him being faithful the whole year, every second, all the hard times, at the good times, He never left nor forsake me and mine.


If this year seems scary, just pause and remember, the Lord IS FAITHFUL. He is GOOD. He can be trusted with your most precious treasures.

May it be a great year, may you see the Lord move and his favor like a shield on your behalf.

May there be revival in the schools because of these Jesus Kids. Let it be so Lord. 


God’s got you. God’s got your babies. Therefore, you got this. 


Let’s go 2024-2025!!